Portrait of Robin Sax

Most lawyers are

not therapists & most therapists


not lawyers.

Robin Sax

is both.

New Ways For Families Certified
Certified Co-Parenting Specialist

What is Dear Co-Parent?

Recognizing the need for therapeutic, emotional, legal, and financial support, during divorce and separation, Robin Sax created Dear Co-Parent to maximize solutions, reduce conflict, and conserve resources. Dear Co-Parent offers coaching, parenting plan coordination, mediation, and legal ghostwriting.


“I married a man who was divorced and became a stepmom. We had our own child. Our marriage was rocky. We separated. We reconciled. We divorced. He remarried. My daughter has a stepmom. My boyfriend/life partner is divorced. He has two kids. I have three blended families. I am a lawyer and a therapist. I know divorce and joint custody. I know how it feels, and I know how to
help you.”

— Robin Sax, founder of Dear Co-Parent



Divorce, separation, custody, and co-parenting are not just legal issues. Who can afford a team of experts - especially as finances are dividing and expenses are multiplying? Don’t spend your life savings or your kids’ college money - money you don’t have - on lawyers when Dear Co-Parent can save you money and mental anguish.

Contact Dear Co-Parent for:


  • “You hit on the head with your response. Thank you for keeping me sane.”

    Mother of 9-year-old girl

  • “I saw my friend today. She asked me a lot of questions about you and Dear Co-Parent and what I thought, etc. Bottom line, I told her she needs to sit down with you and figure out for herself to what capacity you can help her and her situation. I told her the truth, you are amazing, no bullshit, straightforward, an advocate for children, and a realist on pointing out behavior on both adults and kids and each situation is different.”

    Father of a four-year-old boy

  • “You have remarkably fast and deep powers of insight. This comes from someone who's had lots of good therapists.”

    60-year-old divorced curious man with two adults kids